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Upload Pics

Free Uploads for MaraPets Players
Upload it. Crop it. Tag it. Share it.

Drop files here to upload
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Crop & Resize it

Resize Image
Pinch and stretch your touch screen or use the wheel of your mouse to resize

Crop Image
You can move and resize the box to crop out the edges

Drag & Drop

Drag & Drop photo files (PNG, GIF and JPG only) from your computer to Mara.Pics and they'll be online in seconds

Paste Upload

Take a screenshot or copy any image and paste it here
Simply press CTRL (or CMD on Mac) + V

Crop & Resize

Upload a PNG or JPG and you can easily crop and resize it here
You can then easily share the images on MaraPets and social media or use them for Mara.Pages, Clubs or Signatures

Camera Upload

Level 30 or higher players can take photos directly from the camera on their mobile, tablet, laptop or webcam installed

Free to Use

MaraPets provides this service to its most loyal players
Level 18 and higher players can use Mara.Pics
Unlock more features and storage as your level increases

Multiple Upload

Level 22 players can upload 3 images at a time
Level 27 can upload 5   Level 32 can upload 7
Level 36 can upload 10 Level 41 can upload 15
Level 56 can upload 20