Marasiteee underr cnstructionn. (: testing old layouts i have..


Yes, every club must have rules, no matter what! If you catch someone breaking a rule, please notify the Leader, or a Staff Member immediately. But only the Leader can give Warnings.

Rule 1: Be Literate

Rule 2: Respect all Staff & Members

Rule 3: No more than 2 Posts in a Row

Rule 4: Do not Curse

Rule 5: Be Active

Rule 6: Have fun!

Warning 1: Told to Stop

Warning 2: Completely Ignored

Warning 3: Banned

If you don't understand one of the rules, feel free to contact the Leader, or a Staff Member. They'll be glad to help you out.

News & Updates

The News is updated daily, if not, every three days. If it isn't updated for more than three days, please let the Leader, or a Staff Member know right away.

January 24th
Hello, Allison reporting. Like my new Avvie? It's pretty, eh? Well, anyways. Looks like the club is losing members. So, every morning I come on and refer new people. Congratz to Molly (westieluvr) for winning the Random prize. I will giving out more random prizes soon. Any donations loved! Keep referring!
- Ally. <33

Hey guys. My avvie isn't working but thats okay. Oh welll. Good job guys, keep referring, even though people keep leaving, im sure it still counts. KEEP GOING GUYS!

January 18th
Hello! Ally here. Wow! 59 members! Amazing, guys! Let's hope our new members stay loyal to us and not leave. So, Tina and Jordan both thought of great Ideas! Jordan's idea, Mermaid Magic, will be released shortly as a daily. Tina's idea of a club Anniversary will be monthly. So, be here on Feb. 11th for the party! Refer people, too! It'll be great fun! - Ally. <33

January 16th
Hey! Looks like we are losing some members. D: No worries! We will fix that! Go Here to play our new Referring game! It will be a bunch of fun! Me and Roxy are currently working many activities. Thanks for your patience, and refer!
- Ally. <33

January 14th

Hey guys, how ya been? This club will be going through some changes. Sometimes now that Kat took a break, i feel kinda left out. Oh well! Kat was my besfrann in this club and will be greatly missed! We should have a party in chat when she comes back! Hmm. thats an idea!
-lol, Love Roxy

January 13th
Hello hello! Me, Roxy and Monica are working on some new activities for you all! Feel free to drop me a Maramail for any ideas. Check out the new poetry contest under January's events. It'll be great fun! Refer some members, because some grouchy's are leaving. Grr. Oh well! Keep working hard guys! I believe in you! Thanks!
- Ally. <33

January 12

Oh no you dont Ally! Its not that easy! Lol. We shall both mail Kat and the best lady will win. lol. We will miss you Kat! (nominate a Takeoverer!) *hint hint* You huys should mail kat your votes!!!*hint hint* Haha.
~Roxy the canidate.

January 12th
Hey hey! I guess I've been promoted! Such an honor! We will all miss Kat, so let's make her proud and get 100 members! As /great/ New Leader, I promise you fun fun fun! Tehehe, I am going to love this. <3 Thanks and refer members!
- Ally. <33

January 10th

Heyy guys! Last time I was on we had like less than 49 members! Now we have 59! OMG! we are a fast growing, really active club! I have been checking the top clubs list and many of them dont have as many chat messages as us! Some less than half us! Great job and keep up the good work!
~Roxy the Vampire!

January 9th
Gahh, Roxy & Ally keep beating me! Anyways, wow! 56 Members!? That's amazing. We've already gained 5 new members today- just wow. So far I think we're the hottest, quick-growing club around at the moment! Wouldn't you agree? Ohohoh, by the way, don't'cha love my new avatar? <3
- Kat

January 9th
Hey all! Good job on getting 50+ members. <3 I'm really proud of you all for your dedication. Sorry for all the sadness going on with me, but no worries! All will get better! Thanks for your support!
- Ally. <33

January 9th
Whats up people of Magnifique? Haha. Im How are you guys doing with the weight of school back on you? haha, im doing not so Well dont forget to refer members and check outt the LE Giveaway! Have fun.
~Roxy the Vampire!

January 7th
Hello! Mmk, I guess some members decided to 'leave'. Blergh. So that pushed away from 50, A-YET AGAIN. Gahh. Anyways, just here to announce that now every Staff Member/Co-Leader has their own avvies. Some of the Staff I haven't been able to contact yet though, so their's will be coming soon too. ;D Here they are.

Kittie799's (me)

Composure's (Ally)

Roxy9929's (Roxy)

January 6th
Hey guys, we are getting close to 50 members. Reading the news earlier, I read we were at 50 members , but I see someone left. Thats okay! We will get there soon enough! You guys are great!
P.S- Check out the LE giveaway below.
P.P.S- Im in school in the week, so I may not be on as much.
-Cool Dude Roxy :)

Staff Members

Welcome to Magnifique! Now that you know what's New, the Rules, & who's Staff, why not check out the Fun stuff?


Kittie799 - Kat
animallover1092 - Monica
kumonai - Unicorn
rockstar24777 - Roxie
babybabybaby77 - Baby
kittykittydaisy- Jenna
candylover55 - Skittles
Poochy1998 - Poochii
L0LiES - Ellie
Medial - Ninja
RavenHeart89l - Raven
jazzfire143 - Jazz
Roxy9929 - Roxy
triniangel127 - Angel
Astroknight - Rach
foxynicole - Nicole
pinkapolkadotz - Anna
Stargirl56 - Tina
emiliapierson - Emilia
Predicted - Samantha
jelliboo - Jelli
MiyuMiyu - Miyu
Composure - Ally
Athiesm - Ath
boston8372283 - Tammy
Angelbeauty12 - Mango
jmarcinikiiiglsd1 - Joey
InnocentLife - Frida
Pinkcatz13 - Pink
abbiedabiedodaa - Abbie
Camsoup03 - Cam
Westieluvr - Molly
Soccergirl211 - Kim
Tuple - Jade
Cerrii - Kerry
Xiahara - Xiah
Spinage1231 - Tina
Candybabe100 - Jess
Monkeysrule60 - Monky
Mileyfan123321 - Maddie
icefairy56 - Sahalma
pinkpanter1or2 - Luna
Bastille - Sean
Shadi001 - Jordan
Chatham -Zoey
flamepower112 -Martin
Crystaldropbluebell -Crystal
Testin -Tess
Armedangelx -Nikki
Relized -Matt

Not up there? Contact the Leader, or a Staff Member, and they'll post you up there.


Bored? Try playing one of these various games!

Pick a Box
This game goes on everyday, around 5:00PM ET. There are 30 boxes, and each one has something special inside! The game is hosted on the club chat, by Kittie799. You can only pick one box, and no one can pick the same box as you!

Plushie Machine
Play this game, and win anything from a regular old Plushie- to 3,000 MP!

The Wheel of Magnifique
Coming Soon.

First, send Kittie799, the leader, any worm. Then, as your prize, you may pull up anything from Fish, to Dukka Coins, to Scratch Cards, or even nothing!

Races start some-what 3:00PM ET, and end at 4:00PM ET. You can choose either Pet 1, Pet 2, Pet 3, or Pet 4! You can bet however much you would like, also.

Guess the Gift-Box
There are three gift boxes. Each is a different color, although only one contains today's prize! Pick from the Gold Box, the Blue Box, or the Yellow Box.

You've just found a HUGE Pot of Gold! Although, there's a sleeping Leprechaun beside, so you don't know whether to take something or not. Dare to try?

Choose from the Gold Balloon, the Blue Balloon, or the Yellow Balloon to pop. Each contains a special prize, although sometimes the prize turns out to be junk, or even nothing!

To play each game, follow its instructions, and then MM
Kittie799 to receive your prize!


Congratulations to All OTM winners! New Awards will be given in February.

MOTM - Stargirl56

DOTM - Medial

POTM - Fishyinnadishy (Owned by Composure)

FOTM - Coming soon.

GOTM - Coming soon.

If you'd like to nominate someone for one of the Awards, please notify Roxy9929, telling her who, why & for what category. If you need help understanding what the abbreviations are, contact the Leader or a Staff Member.

Giveaways & Parties

Weekly Raffle Hamper
This Giveaway Basket consists of 30 food items. If you'd like to enter the Giveaway, please contact Kittie799 with how many tickets you bought. Each ticket costs 1,000MP.

Monthly LE Pet Giveaway
This month's LE Pet Giveaway is the Ghost Poera, Garmann. Each ticket costs 1,000MP, and the people with the most tickets have a better chance of winning.
You can find him here
Enter here.


Each of these are free to use, and they're a great way to advertise the club.

If you've created a siggy for the club, please notify the Leader, or a Staff Member, and we'll have it up here soon after.

January Birthdays

Stargirl56 - January 17th

Contact the Leader, or a Staff Member, to have your birthday posted up here. >

January Events

Poem writing contest!
Think you have what it takes to write a poem? Well, here is a special challenge for you! This challenge is to see who can write the best poem about Valentine's Day. There isn't any limit, so no need to worry! It can be long, short, free verse, rhyming, ect. Mail Ally or Monica with any questions. THE PRIZE IS A SECRET! The prize will be revealed when The winner is announced. <3

- No inappropriate language/actions.
- Must have at least 4 lines.
- MUST be about Valentine's Day.

Due date:
Mail Ally your poem by Feb. 13th!
Banner by Kittie799, Everything Else Made and coded by Limits.