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Today in current affairs:
Tiger Woods started playing the field again and scored 9 holes! Go Tiger!
Jessica Alba cheated on Tom Cruise with Katie Holmes and now Katie Holmes is in jail for murdering Jon Gosselin. Jon Gosselin was Katie Holme's ex-boyfriend, who called her a freak for dating Jessica Alba. Tom Cruise hates Jessica Alba now and Jessica Alba is alone.
Oh, something just came in! Charlie Sean was seen beating his wife today at 11:11. Make a wish, Charlie. :'*
Time fooooor: Things that nobody cares about!
I lost my iPhone for about 20 minutes and found it in the hands of a decapitated old man.
A dead dog was seen on the side of the road. Loser weepers, finder keepers. I love stuffed dogs. :') (p.s. I need new tires! )
SeCrEt of the day!
Alphabetical order!
The popular (loljk) band BrokenCyde are in fact, virgins.
A day in the life of an An aristocratic Ant
Here I am, holding a leaf on top of my skeleton body. I wonder why I am so different, yet I am the same as every other ant. Why can't my left antennae be longer than the right, or my back legs be stronger than my front. I wonder why life is so difficult, why leaves are so heavy. What does my life have to do with making food.
Today in Tween Culture (something that will interest at least 75% of marapets!!)
Justin Bieber sang a whole song in soprano!
Scratch that, Just Bieber just wrote a new song using all of Miley Cyrus's old twitter. Now she'll forever be in our hearts.
In other words, it really is a sad thing that Miley Cyrus passed away on May 28, 2010. That's what you get for not being tamed. You have to be put down, you can't be biting people and jumping around cages and ect.
Fun Fact About Manny!
I need to shave my sideburns.
You can only use these graphics if you are donating to me and the cause of this site. However, the amounts of Marapoints you give me will not determine how much I type. It just makes me feel really good about myself and makes me advertise a lot. :* Kiss kiss.
By Funnyyulgang: