Tear garden is closing!

Hey all! It saddens me to say this but I will not be updating my site any longer since I am no longer an artist. I will be starting medical school in a week or so, SO I will have little to no time for Mara. I hope you've all enjoyed the things I've made. It was definitely a pleasure to put my spin on some of the releases. I hope you all have a wonderful New Year. Cheers to actually reading all the crap I posted hahaha, you da best~ Good luck with 2016 everyone!

Written on 28.12.2015

Merry Christmas~

Well this was supposed to be done and posted by Christmas but the holidays are a busy time so sue me. Anyway I have finally written up the Christmas post which you can read here! It's pretty long so you have been warned!

I've also updated my artsy pages with some things that I made over the holidays as gifts for people if you want to check those out. Lots of ornaments and cards galore haha

Written on 28.12.2015

the nightmare before christmas!

Heyo reader~ I've finally gotten around to writing up the Halloween 2015 post as well as the Winter Treasure Chest stuff. You can read it all to your heart's content here and here.

The rest of the Christmas stuff will be posted in the next few days or so, so be patient! To view my other posts, click the "more" option under Clothing Lounge! Until then~

Written on 12.12.2015

Experiences available!

Early December update! I have added the experience backgrounds to my site. There are in the Artwork section so feel free to use them for your signatures/layouts/etc! I will probably be adding more stuff to that section soon. Things such as icon art but in larger resolutions for your use. I only ask that you do NOT use these images offsite. They are only available for Marapets use!

I will get around to making the Halloween and Christmas 2015 posts soon. Life is a little hectic now that Christmas season has started. Til then~

Written on 02.12.2015

Pool Party, Eleka, and lot's of hair!

So after months of lazing around and not updating things, I finally got around to making some new posts. Mind you, I actually had these 3 entries ready to go in September but then the marasite server crashed so.. anyway the new posts are as follows: Pool Party, Eleka Chest, and Premium hairstyles. To view my other posts, click the "more" option under Clothing Lounge!

Written on 14.11.2015

Wonderland and easter!

Updated the site with the Wonderland and Easter entries! The first is rather long while the latter is very short. Still, updates are updates. You can read them here and here. To view my other posts, click the "more" option under Clothing Lounge!

Written on 06.04.2015

Grand reopening!

Hi everybody! I'm pleased to announce that my site is back up and running! My previous host deleted my site so I had to rewrite some pages *cough* Halloween *cough* but I still had a few pages saved previously on here so I didn't lose everything thankfully. I've redesigned the layout with updated graphics and also added a LOT of new content! Basically, everything I've done from day 1 of becoming an artist til now is documented on the site. You can check out the "more" tab for the extravagant list!

Also, I'm happy to say that I've added a bunch of content to the listings under Graphic World. Every link basically leads to a page with lots of stuff to look at. I hope you enjoy the site and feel free to pester me with questions about the various things I've done if you wish. DON'T ask me to draw anything for you. Anyway, I hope to update the site more regularly. This is Jiishi signing out~

Written on 25.03.2015